
  • 1942
    The Army Air Forces activated the 24th Composite Wing (Special) at Camp Olympia Reykjavik, Iceland, where it served in the defense of Iceland through June 1944 when inactivated.
  • 1946
  • AUGUST 5
    Reestablished as the 24th Composite Wing at Borinquen Field (later Borinquen AAFld; Brinquen Field: Ramey AFB), Puerto Rico, where is supervised large numbers of major and minor bases and Air Force units in the Caribbean are from Puerto Rica to British Guiana (now known as the independent nation of Guyana). Replaced by the Antilles Air Division in July 1948, and inactivated.
  • 1947
  • JULY 26
    Congress enacted the National Security Act of 1947 (effective 18 September 1947). The Act restructured the U.S. Government’s military and intelligence agencies after WWII and established a National Military Establishment (predecessor to Department of Defense), the National Security Council, and the Central Intelligence Agency. Of significance, the Act also separated the Army Air Forces into its own service establishing the Department of the Air Force and the United States Air Force. You can view the original document here: https://catalog.archives.gov
Ramey Air Force Base

Ramey Air Force Base