The 724th Special Tactics Group provides training and technical assistance in the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures to ensure standardization across the AFSOC Special Tactics community.
The 724 STG is:
*A highly adaptive and innovative special operations organization
*Aligned with the Department of Defense's highest priorities
*100% of our operators get to employ their skills and make an impact
*Our support personnel are instrumental in the unit's unyielding success
*You will work alongside and are supported by the nation’s best SOF forces from across the DoD.
Based out of Pope Field, North Carolina, Home of Special Operations
*The 724 STG's new campus is a state of the art facility.
*A majority of our unit members and their families live in towns surrounding the Ft. Bragg/Pope Field area. Raeford, Sanford, Southern Pines, Pinehurst, Aberdeen, Cameron, Apex, and Holly Springs to name a few. These locales offer many good schools and tons of activities for all ages.
A fast-paced unit with opportunities found nowhere else in Department of Defense.
*Every day will bring new and exciting challenges for you to tackle.
*All operators have the opportunity to employ their skills and make a significant impact at the highest levels.
*Our support folks get to do things they would rarely get to do anywhere else
*Though fast-paced, we are also extremely family focused and offer unparalleled resources to help ensure your family is both healthy and resilient.
Our enlisted operators bring calm to the chaos inside a complex joint environment. Experts in both SOF warfare and their primary specialty skills, our operators are addressing the ever-changing character of warfare and provide ground force commanders solutions to the most complex air-to ground problems.
Enlisted Info:
Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP).
*Our enlisted operators receive an additional $750 a month after completing OTC and up to their 12-month mark in the unit.
*From 13-72 months in the unit, all OTC grads will receive $1000 a month.
*From 73-96 months in the unit, all OTC grads will receive $750 a month.
*From 97-108 months in the unit, all OTC grads will receive $500 a month.
Minimum enlisted requirement facts:
*Extensive experience is not a requirement. We are simply looking for talented operators who have a desire to make a significant impact.
*For CCT, you do not have to be a qualified JTAC to apply
*For PJ, you do not have to be a 5-level to apply
*Any rank can apply
*MUST be able to obtain a Top-Secret Clearance
*Your unit leadership must be informed before you apply
Our ST Officers are trained to be highly diverse leaders across a full-spectrum of mission-sets. Our officers have a unique opportunity to lead in ways that are not available at any other Air Force ground SOF unit.
Officer Info:
Our officers are trained to lead across all ST mission-sets.
*Work alongside and are supported by the nation’s best SOF forces from across the DoD.
*Get to lead teams of hand-picked operators who are the best at what they do
Minimum Officer requirement facts:
*Extensive experience is not a requirement. We are simply looking for talented officers who have a desire to make a significant impact.
Our support personnel are the foundational underpinning of the 724 STG's unyielding success. From teaching operators how to conduct unique free-fall tactics, developing cutting-edge technology to enable success on the battlefield, or providing unparalleled medical care to our unit members, our support team has a long and storied history of success. This is why we feel they are the best support force in the Air Force, and arguably in the entire DoD. Here is a short list of reasons why this is such a unique opportunity for anyone desiring to make significant impacts at the national level.
Support Realities:
*Work within your primary AFSC to solve the nations most challenging tactical problems.
*Work alongside the nation's most elite Special Operations Forces.
*Can only advertise in person, not advertised on AMS/Equal Plus
*Work to help solve some of the nation's toughest national security problems.
*4-year controlled tours with option to extend for additional years
**Provides stability for you and your family
*Special Duty Pay, Civilian Clothing Allowance, Advanced Training
**There are times that you will operate outside of your AFSC
**Many of our CMS folks enjoy the unique opportunities to do things they would never get to do anywhere else
Minimum requirements:
*Minimum rank of Senior Airman or 1st Lt
*2.5 years Time on Station
*No current UIFs (no single act is a disqualifier)
*Ability to obtain and maintain a Top Secret Clearance
RASD leads all recruiting, assessment, selection, and development for the Group. If you are interested in joining our organization, use the info below to guide your next steps.
This process is for ALL support AFSCs, and for operator AFSCs that are NOT applying for the Operator Training Course
The application process is completed in two phases:
Phase I
* Applicant completes the online application and submits.
* Once submitted, the application will automatically send a recommendation request to your commander via email.
* We will review your application and commander's recommendation for position compatibility
* We will send results of Phase I screening and invite those deemed compatible to Phase II (TDY to Pope Field, NC)
Phase II ( Phase II lasts 4 days)
* You will undergo both psychological and security screenings for position compatibility and suitability
* Our process is centered around our attributes. You will conduct multiple events to showcase your problem-solving, communication, interpersonal effectiveness, stress tolerance, and drive. The feedback from previous applicants is that this experience is highly rewarding whether hired or not.
* On the last day, your data will be reviewed by a commander's board that will make the final hiring decision. You will be informed once these decisions are finalized.
*All candidates will receive feedback on their performance regardless of the hiring decision.
Click HERE to start your application
All Support and 19Z Staff Positions
Support assessment and selections normally take place the 3rd week of each month. Once you submit your application the support recruiters will contact you to schedule your attendance.
All operators (1Z and 19Z) seeking to apply for selection should follow this process. If you are applying for a staff position, follow the process located under the support flyout.
Application process completed in several phases:
* Inform your leadership that you intend to apply for the 724 STG.
* Click on the link located below this section to begin your online application
* Once you submit your application, your CC, SEA, and TL will receive an email asking them to complete a leadership eval on you.
* Once you submit your application and we receive your leadership evals, we will review it for completeness and place it in the Phase I board queue.
* The Phase I board will take place approx 1-month prior to Phase II (the TDY portion). Those chosen to attend the next phase will receive reporting instructions for the TDY portion. Those not chosen will receive an email stating the reasons why.
* You will have 30+ days after the board results to prepare for the next phase of selection.
Phase II and III (TDY portion)
* We will issue you a DTS fund cite for your travel.
* You will follow the reporting instructions and meet at the appropriate time and place.
* Phase II & III last approximately 8 days total.
* These phases will be mentally and physically challenging and the more you prepare, the more effective your performance will be.
* At the end of the process, each candidate will be given the Commander's decision on their selection to the 724 STG.
* Regardless if selected or not, each candidate will be given detailed feedback outlining the strengths and weaknesses witnessed by your evaluators and peers.
Click HERE to start your application.
Selection 25-04
Selection 26-01
Selection 26-02
Selection 26-03
Selection 26-04
Here is the list of our attributes and a list of suggested reading to help you bolster each attribute if so desired. The reading list are just suggestions and we realize there are tons of great books out there than can be of assistance.
Our Attributes and Expectations (click to view)
Good for Operators and Support Candidates
The mental side of A&S can be the major factor in the success or failure of a candidate. Preparing yourself mentally for the realities you will face during selection is extremely important and will bolster your chances for success. The following is multi-page document provided by our Sports Psychologist to help you prepare mentally for our A&S process. It is also advisable to use your organic POTFF staff to prep for the mental challenges as well.
Mental Preparation Tips for Optimal Performance
Knowledge Prep:
Candidates are required to possess a thorough familiarity and understanding of the following areas of focus:
Land Navigation
Mission Planning
Basic Tactical Knowledge
Forced March Movement
Communications Abilities
This is a suggested plan to prepare you for our operator selection. This is a comprehensive physical preparation plan developed by our experts. However, you should consult with your own HP specialists and adjust this plan as needed to meet any current realities you are facing.
724 Suggested Workout Plan
OPERATORS ONLY, but good knowledge for everyone.
This nutrition information was developed to assist you in your preparation for our selection process. The information inside this document was created by our Human Performance Dietitian.
Nutrition Information for Selection Preparation
The Insight Thru Experience Podcast is meant to provide some useful info for those thinking about coming to the 724 STG, or those already preparing for an upcoming selection. These are interviews with operators, leaders, and specialists who want to share their experiences for those coming up behind them. Click on your favorite medium below to proceed to the podcast:
Note: The thoughts and discussions in these interviews do not represent the official thoughts of the organization. These interviews are meant to inform you about the opportunities that exist here and how to be better prepared when it's your time to perform.
The 724 STG Human Performance Optimization (HPO) team is made up of 51 specialized professionals that focus solely on bringing people into the organization (e.g., PEAK PERFORMANCE) and supporting /developing them when in the organization (e.g., RESET, Coaching programs, etc...).
The 51 professionals include psychologists, Human Performance Specialist, Chaplain teams, and a vast amount of medical specialists. HPO is focused on 5 primary lines of efforts (LOES) across the unit. Those efforts are Assessment and Selection, Sustainment/support, Medical Training, Development/Coaching, and Operational Support/Performance Enhancement.
The HPO team is embedded in our operational and training squadrons to accomplish direct, one-on-one bolstering of performance and resilience among Unit members. This approach builds trust, transparency, and integration to ensure minds are sharp and well, bodies are strong, and we can continue to execute an extraordinary mission.
The 724 STG Psych Team provides the full spectrum of psychological care from performance enhancement to consultation to treatment to transition support. The team consists of 3 Operational Psychologists, 1 Clinical Psychologist, 2 Licensed Clinical Social Workers, 1 Neuropsychologist, 1 Sport Psychologist, 1 Peer Network Coordinator, 1 Psychological Technician, 1 Data Analyst, and 1 Psychometrist.
The team is aligned around the following lines of efforts (LOEs): Assessment & Selection, providing support/clinical care, medical training, operational support/performance enhancement, and development/coaching. The psych team members are embedded in the operational and training units to provide the full spectrum of care, synchronize w/ the other Preservation Of The Force and Family (POTFF) pillars, and build a culture of prevention.
"The 724th STG’s Human Performance Program is a performance model built on readiness and sustainment of personnel capable of conducting full-spectrum SOF operations. Our program revolves around three priorities:
1. Increase combat effectiveness and ability to sustain operational readiness across a broad range of environments through human performance solutions.
2. Reduce manpower loss due to preventable injury and disease. This will be accomplished through focused and individualized assessment and performance and rehabilitative strategies.
3. Accelerate return to duty (RTD) with optimized recovery, rehabilitation and reconditioning.
The end state is to BUILD, SUPPORT, OPTIMIZE and SUSTAIN high functioning operators coming into the unit, performing in the unit and transitioning out of the unit."
The 724 Peer Network Coordinator is the unit's primary link for the Family Support Network and Key Spouse programs. A few of her roles and responsibilities are as follows:
Community Programs and Peer Network Coordinator:
*Coordinates and oversees the Key and Mentor Spouse Programs.
*Develops and provides needs based services for assigned units/information & referral services. Provides referrals and resources for family members.
*Updates the family support network via email on all unit events and is a direct unit POC for family members.
*Plans and coordinates unit family and spouse events. Our spouse events include a monthly Spouse Dinner, spouse and kid park meet up, and Hearts Apart coffee. A few of our family events include an Easter Egg Hunt, Family Day, Shrimp Boil, Thanksgiving Luncheon, Kids' Holiday Party, and Unit Holiday Party.
The HPO med staff seeks to meet the medical needs of all members of our elite Unit (inclusive of every support body to every operator) and we are available for support 24/7/365. We maintain a robust call schedule when not on base and frequently help families of Unit members navigate emergencies and unexpected events.
We supervise medical training for all PJs, and frequently have in house training for any peripherally interested party. Additionally, our HPO flight and walk-in based medical clinic boasts state-of-the-art equipment, which is frequently not available even at tertiary trauma centers and highly regarded academic institutions.
The 724 STG goes to great lengths to ensure the families have access to the resources that will keep them healthy, happy, and resilient. Click on the links below to find out more info about the local area and resources available.
Resilient Families
Local Area Info
Visit NC Website
Note - The 724 STG is a unit that can only hire experienced Active Duty, Guard, and Reserve Air Force members.
If you are looking for information on how to become an Air Force Special Warfare Operator visit
If you are seeking information about joining the US Air Force, visit